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Video Case

Sometimes businesses just need to shout about something. Whether it’s an achievement, a new product, or content around their company as a whole and what they’re doing. And case study videos are the best way to do this. They show how real people and businesses have benefitted from your product. It’s like a trustworthy recommendation and stamp of approval. But apart from this, why are case study videos so important? And how do you get them right?

Make Case Study Videos
part of your strategy

It's Trustworthy

Video case studies show real success stories, building consumer trust with anyone who watches. People like to see proof that your product or service works, and videos do that in a friendly, relatable way.

See it in Action

Videos let you actually see how things work. It's like watching an engaging demo or hearing a friend's recommendation. Visual proof is just more convincing.

Gets the Job Done

Case study videos are your secret weapon for persuading people to try what you're offering. They show how it solves problems and delivers results.

Examples of our Video Case Studies

What’s the process to
making a video case study?

But how do we bring a case study video to life? Well that’s simple, let’s jump into it in these 7 steps.
Select a Story
Objective Setting
Preparation and Research
Script and Storyboard

Conclusion: The Grand Finale

And there we have it! An incredible video case study from start to finish. It’s a hard-working, functional product. Yet it’s a process that’s full of creativity, collaboration, and a whole lot of fun. The end result? A video that tells a story and shows how your business, is a winning business.

How much do video case
studies cost?

Ah, the video case study – the unsung hero of marketing content! It's like a success story with a heartbeat, showing off your achievements in a way that resonates with your audience. But what's the price tag for this storytelling gem? Let's dive in!

Let's get to the numbers:

A. DIY or Low-End Production
£5,000 to £10,000.
What You Get: Basic shooting, minimal crew, simple editing.

B. Mid-Range Professional Production
£15,000 to £25,000.
What You Get: Professional crew, quality equipment, more refined editing and graphics.

C. High-End Production
£30,000 to £50,000 or more.
What You Get: Top-notch production quality, experienced crew, sophisticated storytelling and post-production.

Remember, a case study video is not just a cost; it's an investment in your brand's narrative. It's a way to showcase your successes and build trust with potential clients. The key is to balance quality with budget and ensure that the end product aligns with your brand values and resonates with your audience. Happy filming! 🎥📊💼

Video Case Study FAQs

A case study video is a short video presentation that showcases a real success story involving a product or service. It's important because it provides real, authentic evidence of the value and effectiveness of your offerings, helping build trust and credibility with potential customers.
The ideal success story should be relatable to your target audience and highlight the positive impact of your product or service. Choose a story with measurable results and a compelling narrative to make it more engaging.
Effective case study videos typically include elements such as a clear problem statement, a demonstration of your solution, testimonials or interviews with satisfied customers, and measurable outcomes. A compelling storytelling approach and visuals are also essential.
Case study videos can be used across various marketing channels, including your website, social media, email campaigns, and sales presentations. They serve as persuasive tools to convince potential customers of your product or service's value and effectiveness.

I got lucky

Said no gold medallist ever.