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Brand Videos

Every brand is unique and has its own personality. From look and feel, all the way down to tone of voice. And when the market is saturated with so many different brands, it’s important to make yourself seen and stand out. A brand video is the perfect way to shout about your brand, and what makes it different.

But most importantly, how do you get it right?

Make brand video part
of your strategy

Storytelling Magic

Brand videos are storytelling champs. They let businesses share their origin, values, and personality in a fresh way, that’s personal and unique to their brand. It's all about forging those emotional connections.

Visual Wow Factor

Videos are just plain fun to watch! They use visuals, music, and a bit of movie magic to make your brand unforgettable.

Be the Cool Kid

When your brand has an emotionally resonant, and memorable video, it stands out in the crowd. People remember it, talk about it, and that's how you build loyalty and get customers engaged.

What’s the creative process for producing a Brand Film?

We start where every good project should: with the strategy. Now this is never a one-size fits all approach, we work directly with you to create a brand film that fits you. This is a complicated process that we make simple, distilling down, and ultimately leaving us with a concise brief that’s the perfect springboard for the next stage…

The creative! The project is then passed over to our creative team who then work from the brief to create concepts, and bring to life your brand film. Let’s jump into this process and how it works in 5 steps.
Concept Development
Scriptwriting and Storyboarding

Conclusion: The Grand Finale

And there we have it! From an incredible idea on paper to a moving brand video on screen. It’s a process full of creativity and collaboration. And the end result? A video that distils your brand identity down into a single, hard-working bit of content.

Some more examples of our Brand Films

How much do Brand Videos cost?

Ah, the age-old question: "How much does a brand video cost?" It's like asking, "How long is a piece of string?" But don't worry, I'm here to give you more than just cheeky metaphors!
Let's break it down:

A. Basic Videos - DIY or Freelancer: Could range from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars.
- Simple Agency Production: You might start at around £10,000.
B. Mid-Range Professional Videos -  Increased Complexity: Think £30,000 to £80,000.
Custom Graphics, Professional Talent: These elements add to the cost.
C. High-End Productions - Top Agencies: You're looking at £100,000 and way, way up.

Remember, a video is an investment in your brand’s story. Balancing cost with quality is key. If you're considering a video production agency or a video content agency, think about the long-term value they bring. A well-crafted video can be a game-changer for your brand's engagement and perception. Choose wisely! 🎬✨

Some examples of our Product Videos

Brand Video FAQs

A brand video is a short video that introduces and communicates the essence of your brand. It's important because it helps establish brand identity, convey values, and create emotional connections with your audience.
The ideal length varies (and it depends on where you’re using it!) but is typically between 1 to 3 minutes. Brand videos are versatile and can be used on your website, social media profiles, email campaigns, and presentations to provide an engaging overview of your brand.
Effective brand videos often include elements such as a compelling brand story, visuals that showcase your products or services, testimonials from satisfied customers, and a call to action that encourages viewers to engage with your brand.
To resonate with your audience, focus on aligning your video's messaging and style with your audience's interests, needs, and preferences. Conduct audience research to understand what will connect with them emotionally and authentically represent your brand.

I got lucky

Said no gold medallist ever.